Hey you, do you like big queries ? Big big queries, so big they can’t even fit in a CSV file ? We, in the data team, know the trouble. And we have a solution.

As you may know, on Google BigQuery, queries that have more than 10.000 rows cannot be directly exported as CSV files. On top of that, if your query includes a nested field, it won’t be able to export the result as a CSV file regardless of its size.

Let me introduce to you our solution, our new product: Dibblr.

What is Dibblr ?

So what is Dibblr ? Dibblr is our new tool that allows you to type in a query and directly download its results under CSV format, independantly of the previously mentioned constraints.

Here comes the dibblr (Click heeeere ) !

  • Nice UI
  • Generally fast query processing
  • Very little prone to errors. Can break if the query is too big.
  • Query history (if you mistakenly closed or refreshed the page).
  • Uses your own BigQuery accesses to allow you to pick the BigQuery projects you want to query.
  • Detailed error messages (similar to BigQuery’s)
  • Can download the CSV file or expose a link to facilitate sharing (will be available 30 minutes).
  • Remembers your previous settings and query when you come back !
  • And most importantly, has a cute mascot

*Disclaimer: Dibblr is fragile, dibblr is small. Don’t expect dibblr to support extremely heavy queries. Its limitations are higher than our previous solution but not unlimited anyway. If your query is too big, then it can very probably be optimized for more focused and relevant results. Dibblr is not a database dumping tool.

On Dibblr, queries are charged the same ways they would be on BigQuery. Please keep this in mind and avoid extremely costly queries.

Moreover, if your query takes forever to process, it’s not a bug, it means your query is just too big. Forever means more than 10-15 minutes.

What is a dibbler ?

A dibbler is a rare, small and particularily cute mouse from Australia.

How to use it ?

All you need is a google account, an request to the data team to get access and a mouse (get it ?) to go on https://dibblr.luxola.com/ :)

Note: you might encounter a page stating that the app is not verified. If it is the case, please simply proceed anyways.

Why Dibblr ?

Ask our tech support, they know.

Happy extracting !


– Aurelien