Update: added model_40_20_40_landing_page table

This article is following this previous article: Using alternative attribution models

We’re now using the 40-20-40 attribution model, and to help your daily attribution calculations, we integrated 2 new tables in BigQuery:

  • ga.model_40_20_40
  • ga.model_40_20_40_campaign
  • ga.model_40_20_40_landing_page

These tables are refreshed every day, and are representing the score to attribute to each channel (for the first table), to each campaign (for the 2nd table), and to each landing page (for the 3rd table) for each order.


This is an example on how to get the attribution for a particular month (January 2017):

The tables’ schemas are trivial, and you have to join to lx.orders table to segment by date / country / etc.



  • account STRING
  • orderId INTEGER (join to lx.orders.orderId, with account)
  • channel STRING
  • score FLOAT


  • account STRING
  • orderId INTEGER (join to lx.orders.orderId, with account)
  • channel STRING
  • campaign STRING
  • aeroCampaignId INTEGER (join to aero.campaigns.campaignId)
  • aeroAdId INTEGER (join to aero.campaigns.ads.adId)
  • score FLOAT


  • account STRING
  • orderId INTEGER (join to lx.orders.orderId, with account)
  • channel STRING
  • campaign STRING
  • aeroCampaignId INTEGER (join to aero.campaigns.campaignId)
  • aeroAdId INTEGER (join to aero.campaigns.ads.adId)
  • landingPagePath STRING
  • landingPagePathNoParams STRING (removed all the url query parameters)
  • score FLOAT

Use other models

If you still want to use alternative models, it’s always possible, but you will have to write the logic:

I hope that will help!
