Why / when do you need a Google account?

Most of our platforms are requiring Google connect. Sometimes, it’s optional (Colors or Aero, you can use the Magic Links), and sometimes it’s compulsory (Delta). Anyway, having a Google account will save you a lot of time, whatever the platform you’re using.

Do I have to have/create a Gmail account?

No! A Gmail address is a Google Account, but we won’t grant @gmail.com addresses on our platforms for security reasons. You have to continue reading, sorry :)

So, what do I do?

Actually, there are 2 cases:

  1. Your professional email address is already a Google account
  2. You can easily convert your professional email to a Google account

For option 1., it’s the case when your domain name has been integrating to Google Suite (that’s something you can know from your email administrator). In our cases, sephoradigital.com, luxola.com addresses are already Google accounts.

For option 2., there is a simple form to fill. If it forces you to use gmail.com address, you have to click on I prefer to use my current email address.

Create an account

Fill this form, submit. Then it will ask you to validate your email address (you know how to do that)… and that’s all! You have now a Google account.

– ae