Hello everybody,

Notifications on AERO have been completely re-engineered and are now integrated into the platform.

Notifications :

New notifications appear now on the top-right corner of your browser.

You can click on the “VIEW’ link to access directly the related information

You can find all your active notifications in a new tab on the left menu

When do you get notified ?

  • Someone mentioned you in a comment (you also receive an email)
  • A new campaign has been created (you also receive an email)
  • Someone added a media to a campaign that you follow
  • Someone added an ad to a campaign that you follow
  • Someone updated a campaign that you follow

How to follow a campaign ?

You have two possibilities to follow a campaign :

Actively :

You can choose to follow a campaign by clicking on the eye button in the header of each campaign:


You automatically follow a campaign when you do one of the following action :

  • upload a media
  • add an ad
  • update campaign information (dates, T&C, …)

We hope that you will enjoy using these new functionalities. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question or recommendation for future improvements.

Aero Team