Access to our properties

After GA last release, now to access our properties, we have to click on the grey button, on the top right corner, and select the correct company: GAP company

Our properties

We split our web analytics as follow:

  • All the website except TH and ID:
    • Account: Sephora REG
    • Property: Sephora REG
    • View: Sephora REG
  • Sephora ID:
    • Account: Sephora ID
    • Property: Sephora ID
    • View: Sephora ID
  • Sephora TH:
    • Account: Sephora TH
    • Property: Sephora TH
    • View: Sephora TH
  • Sephora Mobile

Google Analytics Web

How to segment by country? (web only)

If you want to segment the reports by country, you can use REG view and use the following segments:

How to segment by device? (web only)

Google Analytics Mobile

How to segment by Mobile OS (mobile only) ?

If you want to segment the reports by country, you can use Mobile App view and use the following segments:

  • Android: You need to choose Android Traffic
  • IOS: You need to choose IOS Traffic

Select the OS

How to segment by country (mobile only)

Not available yet. This feature should be avilable soon!

How to add these segments

  • Click on the link
  • WEB: Select the view Sephora REG from the select list:

Select the view

  • MOBILE: Select All Mobile App Data from the select list:

Select the view

  • Then in the reporting tab, at the top of the page, click on + Add a new segment

Add a new segment

  • Select your segment

Select your segment

  • Apply

You can use few segments simultaneously.

Our Custom Dimensions (Advanced Segmentation)

Custom dimensions are used to collect and analyze data that Analytics doesn’t track automatically. We created our own custom dimensions for having a custom analysis. Check all our custom dimensions (Web and Mobile)

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How to segment using conditions segmentation?

Conditions filters are also based on dimensions and metrics, but they offer some additional options:

  • Rather than being restricted to specific categories, they let you create filters for any dimension or metric.
  • They can include or exclude specific data.
  • They can include AND and OR conditions.
  • When you include user- and session-based rules in the same filter, those are joined with AND logic. Data is included when it meets both conditions.

Example: Segment for a specific Aero Campaign ID
Aero Campaign Id = Custom Dimension 35

Click on new segment > Condition

Select the OS

How to segment using sequences segmentation?

Sequences filters are also based on dimensions and metrics, but they offer some additional options:

  • Rather than being restricted to specific categories, they let you create filters for any dimension or metric.
  • They can include or exclude specific data.
  • They can include AND and OR conditions.
  • When you include user- and session-based rules in the same filter, those are joined with AND logic. Data is included when it meets both conditions.
  • Sequences filters let you determine whether the sequence begins with the first user interaction or with any user interaction.
  • When you include multiple steps in a Sequences filter, you can specify that one step can follow another at any time or that it must follow immediately. The subsequent step can occur in the same session or in a subsequent session.

Example: Get all users (from a specific Facebook campaign) who signs up at the checkout step

Select the Sequence

Event Tracking

Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. Search, Product Clicks, Homepage Interactions, Menu Interaction, Add To Cart are all examples of actions we track as Events.

If you’re unfamiliar with events in Google Analytics you should first read the article About Events in the Analytics Help Center.

You can find all the events we track by category HERE

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